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Basic Foundation of ASAS '50 Work

  • Was established onAugust 6, 1950, Asas '50 represents the voice and inspiration of the Malay community in an ideal way through literature in the fight for the independence of Malaya in 1957.  

  • Basic Philosophy ASAS'50, that had brought development in the world of modern Malay literature in Singapore.

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On this auspicious day which is 6th August 1050 at 3.00pm, which took place at 24-H Henderson Road, Singapore, the much awaited gathering has just begun.  ASAS'50 was founded by 19 writers who attended the gathering as follows:

Founding members of ASAS'50

Pen name

Muhammad Ariff Ahmad (MAS)

Kamaluddin Muhammad (Keris Mas)

Abdul Wahab Muhammad (Awam-il Sarkam)

Abdul Jalil Haji Nor (Merayu Rawan)

Munir Ali (Rosmera)

Kumasi Haji Dainuri (Teruna Jaya)

Abdul Majid Husain (Hamzah)

Selepas perasmian persatuan ASAS'50, tujuh lagi ahli penulis turut serta menambah tenaga kerja dan ilham-ilham penulisan.  Mereka terdiri dari:

20 Asraf Haji Abdul Wahab (Asraf Haji Abdul Wahab)

21 Kalthum Haji Sa'adun (Rayuan Sukma)

22 Djah Lelawati (Djah Lelawati)

23 Mohd Said Mohammad (Wanchu)

24 Abu Yazid Abidin (Wijaya Mala)

25 Jamil Sulong (Jamil Sulong)

26 Mohamad Baharom (Muhibbah Asmara)

©2023 by Asas 50

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